SINGLE BUT NOT ALONE by Antonietta Paglia

15 Aug, 2014

im-singleDear readers of Byou Mag, summer time is here. So that’s we are! The summer is a time for many of us the watershed between the daily routine and long-awaited vacation. Almost like a second start of the year we focus on our lives formulating budgets and inaugurating new resolutions … does it happens to you? After this little digression we come to the subject of this “Social article” in this month: delve into the status of a “single”, especially for those who are single because the summer – due to disruptions of the normal rhythm of life and related holidays and our colleagues and “coupled” – seems to draw a blank around us, and begs the question: where to go without finding ourselves in the midst of couples and families? As usual, if you list a number of indications and practical advice, we frame the topic.

The consideration of being and living single in 2014 is, at least appartentemente, (!) Is very different from a few decades ago. From the very definition of the status that once defined the single bachelors or spinsters and imagery that approached the adjective “only” suffering “and” the lack of a stable relationship with a partner”. Today, being single does not invoke some concept of loneliness, rather than man/woman free, independent, autonomous. The condition of single often evokes an almost privilege, lightness, and the possibility of true fulfillment. While this may not be an absolute truth, because there are so many people who actually carry through being in a couple, on the other, between those who as a young man decides not to bind, and who arrives in this direction a bit ‘more mature, more and more people are choosing in a serene and conscious of his own life as a single set. We add that even today many people live without a / a Spouse / Partner is scary and is seen as a condition unfavorable fiscal and practical in a society that is attuned only to the family.
In fact, the” loneliness” involves not only single but everyone, no exception. It should be” forced” and strongly recommended if understood as a small room of our own, a place to be truly alone with ourselves, to recognize our individuality, to give life to our needs most hidden and accept our shadows.

The result of centuries in which the family was the center and the “end result” of the life of all of us are still very present and influential. We must not fall into the banal thought that danger as being “only” is synonymous with emptiness, insecurity, job insecurity, lack of self-esteem: loneliness is a neutral condition, only changes our perception of her. Here are some practical considerations: do not delude ourselves that our implementation can come from someone else, on which we center our lives; feel good about yourself is an attitude essential to our well-being, a fruit that is grown with commitment and effort, thanks to a process of maturing in our points of reference and our limits are to be found within us; Only in this way we will recover our most healthy and vital inner energies Now we come to the advice that can simplify and stimulate our status as a “single” and “maiden”. As usual, the internet comes in handy thanks to sites and blogs that allow you to create a complete network and share information for every need: the site allows you to participate in events, holidays, meetings tailored to all the acronyms also portal organizes cocktails, evenings and holidays a great help for single parents comes from, full of NESW, initiatives, the legal department -the website / forum, founded by parents single (separated, divorced, widowed, etc.) aims to discuss the issues “hot” and organizes meetings and holidays also, the largest community of single parents in Italy, is a point of reference as” the place of meeting, comparison and aggregation” for single parents dedicated exclusively to travel and holidays for those who need a petsitter site exists
Dear readers, this month is all about!
Whether you are single or a couple, enjoy the summer!

Antonietta Paglia
328/0531107 – 091/473385

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