How to Stay Young By Camelia Cicu
24 May, 2014
In the land longest running in the world, ionized alkaline water you drink more than 60 years to increase vitality and to prevent disease.
So much so that Japan is the first country in the world for a low incidence of cancer and cardiovascular disease! In Italy, this water is a novelty! If about 70% of our body is composed of water and our body is made up of 3 trillion cells that they born, live, die and regenerate, also they composed of the water, here is the crucial importance of this element. We are a mass of water contained in the skin that walking! For more information, please read our article “Water – the essence of life.”
The disease of civilization or better hyperacidosis.
Considering that 97% of our body is made up of carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen, and only 3% from alkaline minerals and acids, regardless of what you eat the waste products are acids. Imagine a home that is cleaned to 99.9% from organic waste. What’s going on? Accumulation of acids and toxins. Similarly happens to our body. Make up your mind to clean the organic soil of your lab! Your cells and your organs will thank you, you will thank you! If we are able to help our body to eliminate 100% of these metabolic waste products every day, we can eat any food we like and keep us in good health. This is much better than being worried or torn about what to eat and not eat. To better understand the mechanism of feel good and feel healthy you are invited to read the article “Weight Loss quick or lasting ?” Acidification of the body starts from the blood. As long as the body has a supply of baking soda to neutralize strong acids results from the metabolic process of the cell is able to balance and maintain the blood pH within the limits ranging from 7.3 to 7.45. When the supply of bicarbonate (buffer solution) is too low develops acidosis.
Symptoms of hyperacidosis :
• chronic headaches
• tiredness
• stomach acid
• digestive disorders
• back pain
• skin rash
• asthma
• allergies
• rheumatism
• gout
• hardening of the arteries
• accumulation of fat
• cellulite
• swollen legs
• depression
Consequences of hyperacidosis :
• Hypertension
• Stroke
• Cancer
• Diabetes mellitus
What is Ionized Alkaline Water How much are you acids ?
Among the various methods for the measurement of its pH, salivary diagnostics is that more accurate or going to the pharmacy you buy the tornasol paper and ………. So you can locate your position on the pH scale and optimize accordingly your.
What is the pH value ?
The pH value is the logarithmic representation of the contents of : acid (H+) or base (OH’) of a liquid. What is the redox potential ? The redox potential or better the antioxidant power describes the ability to absorb electrons (positive, oxidizing) or release (negative, reducing agents or antioxidants).
1 liter of ionized alkaline water has antioxidant action of about 10 lemons. The alkaline ionized water is energetic water ! The electrons have a physical form of energy. When we drink water with few electrons (eg bottled water or tap
water), the body must give up electrons to water to absorb it.
If the organism suffers from lack of energy and electrons , and is not able to energize the water , can’t absorb it so – and this will pass unused through the body ! While drinking a lot of water pipeline , our body absorbs a small part as for absorb water for it means to lose energy. It is what happens to the elderly -the disappearance of the sensation of thirst due to the fact that the body is now frustrated for drinking water unusable for many years, it has learned that drinking water it costs a lot of energy and learn to manage it sparingly.
The simple solution to eating and drinking good water : the water ionizer at home , in the office or on vacation! Invented in Russia , the use of water ionizer dates back to Japan since 1950.
More information about
or obtaining a consultation at
or by writing to the editorial staff. Dr. Camelia Cicu
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