The treatment continues even in the summer! By Camelia Cicu

28 Jun, 2014

cicu-fegatoThe liver, the organ that symbolizes courage, determination and quality to overcome the critical moments and its apparent inexhaustible, due to the incessant regeneration of its cells, has made it of renewal.

The functions of the liver are of production and storing of energy, to deposit vitamins and amino acids essential for the functioning of many organs of the body such as the brain, heart, kidneys and lungs. energy, to deposit vitamins and amino acids essential for the functioning of many organs of the body such as the brain, heart, kidneys and lungs.

Is the organ charged to filtration, to neutralization and elimination of toxic substances and pharmacological properties. In fact, it collects and filters the blood from the abdominal organs and venous blood that is circulating in the peripheral tissues, charging of waste, toxic substances here oxidized, decomposed and neutralized. Keep healthy one of the most important filters of the body means to be in possession of a key of global health!

What does it mean detox?

When our feed was mainly vegetable was not necessary to purify! To find the answers, the key lies in our feeding. It all starts from our food. The purification is the process of elimination of waste products also called toxins from the body’s filters (intestine, liver, kidneys, skin). The dreaded toxins are merely by-products of the food digested, assimilated and incorporated into the cellular structure.

Eliminate waste and toxins gives us health and wellness to the body and mind and is the most effective means to activate the healing energies of our wonderful alchemical laboratory that is our body.

detox = cleanse= reduction of impurities

The importance of the purification and the production of energy If the body has enough energy, the waste is properly disposed and, paradoxically, there is an increase of energy. To facilitate this process we need an inclusion of the foods that nourish and especially that they are bio-energy. Considering that our body is always active in its metabolic processes or working hard to purification and old cells (300 – 800 Billions per day) are replaced by the new, the old are expelled relatively quickly (and we will see why “relatively”) in as toxic through its filters mentioned above. Much the ingested food is of quality than more there is energy production.

Why do not all the food is the same?
Consider that we eat food inert for 80% or food that can’t be used. The food we consume is “worked” by preservation and cooking, and the percentage of vitamins and trace elements (already reduced as a result of intensive agriculture) is drastically reduced. Given that we are not suitable to treat such a quantity of food altered, the by products of digestion and assimilation form a certain amount of residues in the body with consequences on the whole system.
They influenced the good functioning of the whole organism and compromise to produce energy.
Added to this are the residues of drugs, smoking, stress, smog. The end result is that are produced more toxic waste than you delete! And since the latter are not disposed they accumulate… where they find a place.
The body, intelligently, always try to protect themselves as a defense mechanism to keep intact and tends not to place them in the vicinity of vital organs (although this sometimes happens but in cases of chronic inflammation), but to store the toxins in the tissue nonviable.
One part will end up in tissues such as cartilage and ligaments ligament, while another part will go into the connective tissue that is continuously drained through the lymphatic circulation.

Key elements in the purification of the liver:
• love yourself;
• Do cyclically in every major seasonal change – twice a year – a purification of the liver;
• eat foods intelligently and consciously chosen both for cooking and when you are in the restaurant;
• educate your palate through a decision on healthy choices appropriately beneficial (to join our system of information, education and training).

Main foods that promote liver health:
• artichoke (the active ingredient content cynarin) – promotes purifying function;
• dandelion or dandelion – stimulating function of the liver and gallbladder; also acts at the level pancreatic through its active ingredient, the cholecystokinin which increases the secretion of juice enzyme with consequent result on the digestive process and increasing intestinal motility;
• milk thistle – protective function with its active ingredient silymarin which acts on free radicals and regenerates the liver gland;
• privet, china, rhubarb, calamus, betony, grapefruit and celery – they have function by toning resins, tannins and other phenolic principles (anti-oxidants), mucilage.

More information about or obtaining a consultation at or by writing to the editorial staff. Dr. Camelia Cicu

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